Carrer change

You want to get into a fun business and grow with your customers

En savoir plus Carrer change
Experienced Kitchen Designer

You want to be free and reap the benefits of your hard work

En savoir plus Experienced Kitchen Designer

You want to manage a team and build wealth

En savoir plus Investor-Manager

Raison Home’s unique proposition

In a market where all players offer the same customer experience in a showroom, Raison Home stands out for its unique proposition that makes all the difference. It is based on three pillars:

Métier de l'aménagement à domicile 01 At your Home
We believe there is no better place to design a new interior design project than the room where it will be installed
L'aménagement à domicile, le bénéfice client 02 With you
We believe that many consumers are very invested in the design of their interior, know the current offer perfectly and know exactly what they want. They want to work with a professional who will help them design their unique project, not a kitchen designer who will design it for them
L'aménagement à domicile, soyez serein pour votre activité 03 For you
We believe that many consumers want to have a single point of contact who is fully responsible for the success of their project, from design to completion, down to the last detail

Raison Home support

As a Home Designer, we offer you the opportunity to be a local player for your clients, what could be more normal than that? As a franchisor, we behave in a similar way with you to meet your expectations at all times and help you succeed in your entrepreneurial project

Creation Entreprise

Start your Business

Our network development team accompanies you through all the steps to validate and launch your business

Lancement Entreprise Cuisine

Launch your business

Our teams support you to be operational from day one. From designing kitchens to entrepreneurship, the Initial training will cover everything

Developpement Entreprise

Grow your business

Our teams are constantly supporting you so that you can focus on your priority: finding customers and delighting them

Discover our network and our opportunities

Our Home Designers are local players.

It is only logical, that we offer optimal geographical coverage, that way consumers always have a Home Designer near to them

Raison Home invites you to the Paris Franchise Expo 2023
9 March 2023
The Raison Home development team will be present this year at the unmissable Paris franchise expo 2023.
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Sarah Maguire Learnings from the first year of franchising from Raison Home UK franchisee Sarah Maguire
7 February 2023
Sarah Maguire is a RAISON Home franchisee covering the Edinburgh area.
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Pexels Dmitry Zvolskiy Learn about Interior Design with Charlotte at RAISON Home
1 December 2022
RAISON Home has a unique concept, ideal for franchisees who have a passion for interior design.
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Commission de validation Raison Home Demystifying Franchisors: How to Choose the Right One
Franchising, a concept that originated in the United States, has paved the way for brands to rapidly expand their network.
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Session Octobre 2023 Unlock Your Career as a Franchised Home Designer with Raison Home
Are you ready to embark on a journey of creative expression and entrepreneurial spirit?
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Journée rencontre au siège de Raison Home The Significance of Your Personal Contribution in Franchising
Your personal contribution plays a pivotal role in the world of franchising.
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Contact us

Our development team will be delighted to discuss your entrepreneurial thoughts with you.

We call you back
+44 0330 133 1781

Monday to Friday
From 9 am to 7 pm

© Copyright Franchise Raison Home