Personalised Support

Personalised Support

Accompagnement Animation Raison Home

Before Starting

Our team and all of our selected partners are available to assist you in the realisation of your project: support in creating your financial forecasts, assistance in setting up your business, monitoring of actions to be made before the launch.  

When you start your business

At the beginning of your activity, the closest Raison home pilot and David Fox will support you and help resolve any issues which could reduce your customers’ satisfaction. They will help you in all areas of the business (financial, software, design, client relationship…)

Day To Day

Our goal is simple: to make your life easier to devote yourself entirely to your customers.
A personal connection is present to help you be ever more efficient, to analyse your activity and answer your questions on a daily basis (trades, sales, management, organisation).


Each year, you will benefit from visits from your regional manager, quarterly regional meetings and an annual convention with the entire franchise.
All members of the network benefit from internal instant messaging, which enables them to benefit from the collective knowledge and experience of all franchisees at all times.

Animation Convention RAISON HOME
Pauline Geerts Conceptrice RAISON HOME

Pauline GEERTS

Franchisee since 2018

The daily activity at Raison Home is constant contact, whether between franchisees or head office, thanks to the tools made available to us. I’ve never been helped as much as I am now.

Christophe L'haridon Animateur RAISON HOME

Christophe L’HARIDON

Regional Manager

Our regional team helps the Designers on a daily basis to respond not only to all of their technical problems related to the business, but also to their business related questions.